
Monday, July 1, 2013

July Goals Linky!

I am linking up with I {heart} Recess for a July Goals Linky! This is my first Linky... I hope I am doing it right.

Wow, starting a blog is like a full time job! I now know why I never tried to start this during the school year!

Personal: I am working right now on a DIY kitchen remodel. It was started in the midst of the school year ending, so... bad timing. After a vacation, and other set backs, I am now on it! I am working on a Pinterest project (of course) to put in butcher block countertops. It is finally coming along. Tile will be next!

Family: How am I out of school and feel like I am running around just as much as before? We need a weekend away. I'm thinking a camping adventure is in order soon.

Health: Yuck, my running took such a set back this past April when I injured my knee. I was training for my very first half marathon, and 3 weeks out, BAM! Injury. Darn. Well, after weeks and weeks of physical therapy I am finally putting on the the running shoes again and getting out there. It is a little frustrating to be starting back at 1 mile, after having been up to 11 miles. It's alright though! One step at a time. I have that 13.1 sticker hanging in my mirror to keep me focused!

School: I started this blog partly because of reading along with Freebie-licious's summer book study. They are reading "The Next Step in Guided Reading". Reading up more on being a more effective reading teacher is always a goal of mine. I feel like teaching this in Kindergarten is such a challenge, but I am sure all teachers feel that way about reading, right? I love reading, I hope I can inspire my students to love it too!

Blog/ TPT: Yeah, finish getting this all together. I am not sure I have the hang of it yet, but with all the time I am dedicating to it, I know I will figure it out! The TPT part is still a bit of a mystery to me. I have made resources for myself for years. It's time to figure out how to share the wealth!

Outside the Box: This one may sound a bit crazy, but I just recently refinished a dresser for myself and I loved the whole process! Inspired by Pinterest of course, I am on a mission to find affordable wooden furniture to zen into refinishing. Some tunes on my headphones and sandpaper in my hand, love it!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Your blog design looks wonderful. If you have questions, feel free to ask. I'm with you on trying to figure out TpT. That's my next project. Good luck with getting back into running. Take it easy so you can avoid injuries!

    Excited to be your first follower on GFC. Following on Bloglovin' as well. :)

    Read With Me ABC

  2. I think if you have a print rich environment and read to your children every single will be on the right track. There are so many awesome reads out there!
    I am your newest follower.
    Best of luck with your July goals.


  3. Thanks ladies! I'm stilling messing around with things, but I hope I can find peace with my layout at some point, lol... I'm so excited for follower that I totally geeked out! Thanks for the follows! I agree, print rich environment is essential. Love reading with my kiddos!

    Thanks again! So exciting!



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